Production Schedule – Animated Doco

Yes, it’s crucial that I stay on top of the time line process to make sure that I complete this animation on time for hand in. The due date for this is Wednesday 25th October, so I have 44  Days   — or —   6  Weeks and  2  Days. (Thanks, Day counter!)

Week One: Complete production schedule, at least half of the assets I will need to complete animation. Polish off the audio, make sure girls audio levels match, and add sound effects. Add the extra scene of the kids running past an open door and teacher looking out of the door to animatic. Down load the DUIK After Effects Plug in. Check out the Lynda tutorial on this. (DUik Rigging & Animating. Reflect on the strength of my own work.
Here are some links on how to use the Duik plug in – How to rig – Duik ik animation in After Effect Getting started  Lynda tutorial. – Facial Rigging.

Week Two: Complete the rest of the assets and start blocking out animation. Make sure that I have the comic book speech bubbles to work with my animation.

Week Three: Continue with animating.  Book time for the green screen for next week (Tues or Wens).

Week Four: Continue with animating, compositing, colour grading etc. Kids go on holiday this week so I will organise a time to bring them int of film on the green screen.

Week Five: Rendering and final compositing of visual and audio.

Week Five: Contingency plan, this week is the buffer to make sure that every thing is complete.

This is all subject to change, of course, there is a high chance I have missed heaps out!!!

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