I am going to put this on the back burner for a bit and hope that I can smooth it out a bit when I come back to it.
Reflection on my work so far:
1. Is the meaning/message of the sequence clear? Why/why not?
I do think that the meaning of this is quite clear, but the end part seems to be a bit weak (to me anyhow) I plan on strengthening this by adding another scene before the girls turn into super hero, adding the kids running past an open door and then a teacher poking their head out of the door to investigate what is going on.
2. Are there areas that seem too fast/too slow? Why? How could these be corrected?
As mentioned above the end of the sequence seems a bit flat after the drama of the chase and wrestle. I have considered adding a scene, but I also think I might go back to the audio and see if there is something else that can be added.
3. Are we hearing or seeing too much, or too little? Are there areas that could be pared down, or pauses that could be inserted for a breathing space? Are there gaps in information that need to be filled in?
I need to add in a few more cuts, such as over the shoulder shot after the boy cuts the wire, she shouts stop and the boy looks down at an angry Violette.
4. Is the sequence sufficiently interesting? Do we get involved? What kind of adjustments can be made to increase the degree of interest? For instance, could we consider making changes to: the proposed visual style, the characters/elements depicted, the emotional tone – poetic/humorous/action-paced/light and breezy/contemplative etc.? Why? Would the changes communicate meaning in the way that you want, or would they introduce new dilemmas?
I believe these changes would strengthen the narrative by adding more context to the interchange between the girls and the boys trying to steal the speaker.