Tales for Canterbury – Now available for pre-order

Tales For Canterbury Cover by Designem

Okay, so firstly I know its been a few weeks since I last updated my blog. And before you stat shaking your heads I am not going to apologize, because I have been busy 🙂 Which means I have lots of things to show you.
But I am going to start with this, as I am SO excited about it!

Tales for Canterbury are now ready for pre-order. And I suggest you do do that now as I they will sell like hot cakes. ALL the profit from these books will be sent directly to the Red Cross Earthquake appeal they have $512 and I am pretty pleased to say that I helped that amount because not only did I design the cover art work but I have already pre-ordered my very own copy! (In paper back of course as I just love the tactile feeling of holding a book in my hands and having them all stacked up on my book cases – I have a few books heh)

You can order your very own copy from randomstatic.net. The print copy is only $24.95 (including postage within NZ) and the digital version is a tiny $12.00! That is a complete steal (Oh and since I already ordered my copy I can tell you that you can get the print copy gift wrapped at no extra cost. Since this is like a little present to myself I asked for my copy to wrapped up!)

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