Our homes are supposed to be our safe haven, and when something like a natural disaster reaches a hand in to displace it, it truly brings it home to me that we are just renting our space in this world.
Tomorrow I am 31. Birthdays are traditionally a time of celebration; obviously I don’t feel much like doing so. In the past I have suffered guilt when disasters pass me over, but having children has made me thankful that we are ‘safe’.
The human spirit however is resilient, and our people brave. I am sure that many will want to stay and reclaim what the earth has taken away, and rebuild their city in a way that will withstand what the earth can dish out. In this time when most people don’t have a lot of spare cash and the cost of Milk is more than Coke people are still digging deep and giving what they can.
I don’t think there is one person in New Zealand who doesn’t know a person who has been affected by this Quake and I believe each and every one of us wants to help in any way we can.
I myself am donating the only commodity I can really, my time. So keep an eye out on TM as my ‘services’ as a Graphic Designer are up for Auction.
The generosity of people is amazing, heart-warming and a balm to the pain this Earth Quake has shaken up.
Please take a look at http://www.facebook.com/chchcharityauctions Donations for the Charity Auction now reach 146 items! The Auctions are going to be run on Trade Me and should be up and running for Monday. (I will keep you posted) All proceeds are going too donated to the Red Cross. I can vouch for the legitimacy of this Fund Raising as I am friends with both Jess and Kelly the lovely ladies who are organising it. And have deigned more than one logo for Jess!!!
I am donating a Basic Logo Package and Vector Art work and my amazing beautiful sister (also a Jess – Otherwise known as ‘Girl Meets Uke’ is donating her skills as a trained Opera singer for your Wedding, Funeral, or Special Occasion (We have farmed her out for all of these things;-). SO keep an eye out, you may just nab a bargain and also support our Friends and Family in Canterbury.
I will leave you with some messages I have seen posted on Facebook.
Sam Harvey:
We’re now working with the new Brighton police and using the beach campus as a welfare centre. So proud of our guys today. Feel free to come down to help man the welfare centre (shifts are 8am – 2pm or 2pm – 8pm) or to join our teams who are vo…lunteering around new Brighton. 111 Seaview Road.
If you know the whereabouts of Shane Tomlin please email [email protected]
If you have friends or family in Christchurch who need to wash laundry,Fisher & Paykel have set up laundering facilities to help.
Located in the following places:
National Marae, 250 Pagers Road, Aranui. Corner Berswick & Charles Street (situated in a Portacom), Kaiapoi. Fisher & Paykel site, 79 Shands Rd, Hornby
And taken from The NZ Hearld Site
All offers of help can be emailed to [email protected], which is a central co-ordination point.
Hands-on help
Once again the University of Canterbury Students Association is inviting people to join the student volunteer army.
Volunteers should arrive at the UCSA car park on Ilam Road between 9am and 10am and bring shovels, wheelbarrows, gloves, raincoats, sunblock, drink bottles. Find out more about theStudentVolunteerArmy on Facebook.
The Auckland University Students Association is looking to get volunteers during the university’s Orientation next week to help gather donations to go to the aid of victims of the earthquake. More information here.
Accommodation can be offered to those displaced – see here for more information.
People in Wellington who can offer accommodation to displaced Cantabrians can register by calling 04 801 4205 or emailing [email protected] with details. Those in Auckland who can offer a bed can call 0800 AUCKLAND to register.
Prime Minister John Key said the best way people from around New Zealand and the world can help is to make cash donations to help the city and its residents get back on their feet.
A Mayoral fund has been set up for donations to the citizens of Christchurch using the following BNZ bank account: 02-0800-084958-000.
Donations can be made to the Red Cross online or via the GrabOne website orfundraiseonline.co.nz, as the Red Cross site has been crashing.
Donations can be made to the Salvation Army by calling 0800 53 00 00 (specify that your donation is for the ‘Canterbury Earthquake Appeal’) or at:
• Any ANZ Bank branch: Account number 01-1839-0188939-00
• Any National Bank branch: Account number 06-0869-0548507-00
• Any Westpanisterc Bank branch: Account number 03-0207-0617331-00
• Any ASB Bank branch: Account number 12-3205-0146808-00
• Any BNZ Bank branch: Account number 02-0500-0982004-000
• Any Kiwibank branch: Account number: 38-9009-0759479-00
Donations can be made to the Rotary New Zealand World Community Service here.
Donations can be made to the Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand website, by calling 0800 22 10 22, or by post: Caritas, PO Box 12193, Thorndon, Wellington, 6144. Mark correspondence: “Canterbury Earthquake Appeal”.
Vodafone users can donate to the Red Alert Canterbury Earthquake Appeal by texting “Quake” to 333 to make a $3 donation to the Red Cross Canterbury Earthquake Appeal.
Across the Tasman, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia is also accepting donations for the New Zealand Red Cross.
Britons can donate to the New Zealand Red Cross online here.
Alternatively UK Vodafone customers can give £5 by texting “NZQUAKE” to 70801. UK Vodafone will donate an extra £1 for each text.
Pets and animals
The Christchurch SPCA has opened a Pet Emergency Earthquake Fund. You can donate money here or to the Westpac account 030802 0586429a> 00.
Paw Justice is sending food shipments to pets in Christchurch affected by the earthquake. Text “FOOD” to 4662 to donate $3.
Scam warning
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs is warning people about an email scam, which uses Christchurch’s earthquake as an opportunity to prey on the good will of New Zealanders.
Ministry watchdog Scamwatch said it had already received reports of emails sent from ‘James McCoy’, who claims to be from ‘Donate4Charity NZ’.
It suggests the recipient can be the New Zealand manager of the bogus charity in return for a 10 percent cut.
The ministry said giveaway signs of an email scam include a generic email address, poor grammar and spelling, and an offer of a cut for accepting money.