The method is the tool, the methodology is the context or the justification of the tool.
Phenomenology (Methodology):
Phenomenology uses methods such as interviews, participant observation, and discussion, to examine the interpretation and perspective of a small group of individual research participants, collecting information about an experience, and the subsequent knowledge gained. The researcher is expected to position themselves within the framework of the research while putting aside any bias lens they may have.
The methodology of phenomenology is useful when trying to uncover the root causes of what makes people think the way they do, to dig deeper than commonly held misconceptions and break down the ‘why’ of the participant’s motivations, and perceptions, drawing connections between experience and knowledge.
Case Studies (Method):
The case study used as the method is the comprehensive investigation of an individual, even, or community. The data collection can be conducted over a short or long period of time, and methods of gathering it include, observation, interviews, surveys, diaries, letters, photography, or video.
The data collected focuses on individual cases without referencing other cases or groups and asks the subject to relate their own personal perspective of experience.
Case study generates detailed information for the researcher to analyse and in which further insight can be gained.
Muratovski, Gjoko1. “Design and Design Research: The Conflict between the Principles in Design Education and Practices in Industry.” Design Principles & Practice: An International Journal 4, no. 2 (February 2010): 377–386.
Winstel, Bonnie Shamp. “Research for Designers: A Guide to Methods and Practice.” Technical Communication 63, no. 4 (November 2016): 393–394.
“Case Study Method in Psychology | Simply Psychology.” Accessed March 13, 2019.
“(PDF) An Introduction to Phenomenological Research.” ResearchGate. Accessed March 12, 2019.
“(PDF) Experiential Learning in Practice as Research: Context, Method, Knowledge.” ResearchGate. Accessed March 13, 2019.