Sound Glossary

Sonic Art
The sound that is used as a medium to create art.

Electroacoustic Music Composition
The use of electric sound in composition. 

Acousmatic Composition
From the greek “A heard thing” Which is rather poetic and I really like. It is music composed specifically to be heard via speakers, meaning not composed to be played live. Dates back to the 1940’s ‘Musique Concrete’ where music where experimental composes mixed recorded sound to create compositions. 

The scientific study of sound perception and audiology

In linguistics, prosody is concerned with those elements of speech that are not individual phonetic segments but are properties of syllables and larger units of speech, including linguistic functions such as intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm.

Spectral Dissonance
Sensory dissonance (to be distinguished from musical or theoretical dissonance) measures perceptual roughness of the sound and is based on the roughness of its spectral peaks.

Salient properties
The basic properties of sound are: pitch, loudness and tone. Figure 10.2: Pitch and loudness of sound. Sound B has a lower pitch (lower frequency) than Sound A and is softer (smaller amplitude) than Sound C. The frequency of a sound wave is what your ear understands as pitch.

The greatest sound scenes created in visual or non-visual media are mostly the result of a particular way of listening, and many times, because of the acousmatic contract, as a result of the dialogue between sounds that are just sounds and sounds that could mean something.

Acousmatic approach
Schaeffer held that the acousmatic listening experience was one that reduced sounds to the field of hearing alone

Spectromorphology is the perceived sonic footprint of a sound spectrum as it manifests in time. A descriptive spectromorphological analysis of sound is sometimes used in the analysis of electroacoustic music, especially acousmatic music.

Reverberation, in psychoacoustics and acoustics, is a persistence of sound after the sound is produced. Like how it sounds when recording in a large hall. 

Natural Listening
The way we hear normally. 

In music, monophony is the simplest of musical textures, consisting of a melody, typically sung by a single singer or played by a single instrument player without accompanying harmony or chords. Many folk songs and traditional songs are monophonic.

Stereophonic sound or, more commonly, stereo, is a method of sound reproduction that creates an illusion of multi-directional audible perspective.

A sound-field system is an amplification system that provides an even spread of sound around a room.

The extended area or space taken up by a wave. (mathematics) A mathematical description of the amplitude of a wave throughout such an area or space.

Binaural and Audio reproduction
We are here, rather than they are here