Reflective Practice

True Detective Season 1 Trailer:


What does it make you feel and sense?

The music has a sense of forbidding, with slight undertones of hope. I also sense mystery and intrigue.

How does the sound designer do this?

The low tones do not let up, the sound continues to build to a crescendo where there is then a voice over.

What instruments are being used?

Drums, electronic sounds,

What sounds apart from music can you identify?

Ambient sounds from the area of the video shooting, shutter from a camera.

What is the narrative saying and doing?

Intermittently it’s like listening to a private conversation, it’s like the antagonist of the story is narrating to us.

How is silence used?

There is no ‘sound’ when there is voice over, the speaker just says ‘monster’. Silence is used to bring the viewers attention to the tension of what is happening in the small town.

Game of Thrones Season 8 trailer:


What does it make you feel and sense?

I get a strong sense of foreboding, and sounds of fear. It feels very Hitcockhess, which also leads to a hopeful end.

How does the sound designer do this?

The sound desier alternates between misery and fear, with a crescendo that builds until the conclusion of the trailer.

What instruments are being used?

Voice signing/choir, synthetic/strings, windy sounds,

What sounds apart from music can you identify?

panting sounds of Aria, other ambient sounds.

What is the narrative saying and doing?

there is a Juxtopostion between panic and calm, using sounds of Aria panting, with the sounds of narration. There is a lot of panic, and unknown going on, however, there is an overall sense of leading to something exciting.

How is silence used?

There is not a huge amount of silence, except when used to focus on things that are important, such as arias panic breathing, and Sercie’s time on camera.