Peer to Peer Review of Worksheets

Week 4: Keywords/Aims/Questions /Methods

Write down three keywords that relate directly to your research aims

  • Ethnic Identity,
  • Diversity,
  • Romani

Write down your 4 updated aims

  1. Be a voice for Romani studies in academia
  2. Step away from homogenizing
  3. Challenge generalization and focus on diversity Romani identity
  4. Unravel the ‘them versus us’ that seems to be present between both Romani and Gorja (non-Romani)

Write down 4 draft research questions (the research questions should be derived from your aims and modified after the feedback you received in class)

  1. How can I use animation to challenge the marginalized and romanticized idealization of the Romani people?
  2. How can I use my animation to show a diverse race of people but retain our unique ethnicity?
  3. How can I use my Romani voice to add to the production of knowledge in a way that will be beneficial to all my people?
  4. How can I use animation to challenge the media’s misrepresentation and vilifying Romani as a whole?

Write 5-8 research methods that will assist you in achieving your aims/question.

  1. Tacit Knowledge
  2. Auto-Ethnographic Research
  3. Storytelling
  4. Photographic Documentation
  5. Contextual Review
  6. Porotypes and 3D Visualization
  7. Case Study
  8. Survey and interview

Identify 2-3 of the research methodologies related to your own research and say why they are related below:

Methodology 1: Phenomenological Research

Methodology 2: Critical Theory

Methodology 3: Heuristic Research

Identify below how your research relates to methodologies 1, 2 and 3.

  1. Personal experience and narrative of different subgroups of Romani
  2. Lack of Romani voice in academia, critical race theory, and where racism against Roma was birthed. And the ‘them versus us’ mentality and ‘otherness’
  3. The significance of personal experience and what it truly means to be Romani, exploring the meaning of and importance of ethnic identity in an academic context.